Sometimes we assist women and we lose touch with them. They move or life just gets busy for them. We often wonder if we helped at all! When we get notes like the one below it proves that even though you may not see the results of your work or even your prayers at the time, it doesn’t mean God isn’t at work!
I’m doing great! A lot has changed for me in the past 6 years! I am married to a wonderful man, and have a little girl who just turned 3! I have gotten full custody back of my oldest daughter who is now 9. I have a great job, and I have finally got my life together. It has been a long road but I have made it through. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate what you and your agency did for me 6 years ago. I was going through a time in my life where honestly I thought I would never be in. Y’all made it a lot easier, and I honestly could not have done it without y’all’s support. I am so glad I was able to find parents for John* like Mary* and Bob*. This experience even though one of the hardest decisions ever in my life, not once have I regretted that I did. I know Mary and Bob are great people and he is in a very loving home! Again, thank you for everything! I will definitely stay in touch with you!
*names have been changed