Brave Motherhood

Angel moved to Wichita Falls with lots of problems, but few options. She was in a bad relationship and she was pregnant. When Angel found Inheritance Adoptions, she found support, help with food and a Christian family to give her baby a home. Kilara was 14 when she...

Is There Such A Thing As Too Much Love?

Is there such a thing as too much love? The answer is no, especially if you ask Amanda Hansen. As a teenager in high school, she found herself in an unplanned pregnancy. Her loving and supportive parents encouraged her to think about adoption and even gave her a video...

Finally A Family

Michelle and Scott McNary married young, in their 20s. Their plan was to wait five years before starting a family. When five years rolled around, they weren’t ready, so they waited anther five years. Two months shy of Michelle’s 30th birthday, the couple tried to...

From Devastation To Unexpected Blessings: Part 2

Gavin was just four years old when he started asking questions about his birth mother. His adoptive mother, Alissa Perez, didn’t quite know how to answer them, but she knew she was ready to tell the stories of Gavin’s and her daughter, Annabella’s adoptions. One night...

From Devastation To Unexpected Blessings: Part 1

After meeting through a mutual friend, Alissa and Rafael Perez had their first date. Alissa decided to be honest from day one. “On our first date I told him that the Lord had called me to adopt,” Alissa said.That was July 2007 and the couple was married one year later...